
Blu Apple

After hearing about Blu Apple I had the pleasure of working with them on reviewing their product.  I knew this would be agreat product if it helped to save the fresh prodce I purchased rather than it ruining.

I received their two pack which is perfect to place one in each crisper drawer.

True to their name they are little plastic Blu Apples.

The pouches that go into the them are what helps to preserve your produce.

All you do is drop them in your crisper drawer and you are set.  It does all the work.

Why fresh produce spoils:

Ethylene gas is given off by all living plants, especially by fruits, vegetables and flowers, and acts as a chemical signal to speed up the ripening process.  The release of this gas is thought to be a mechanism by which plants promote uniform ripening or opening, etc.   In nature, the uniformity of these events attracts the maximum number of pollinators or seed disseminators, such as birds and insects. At home, however, when you store your fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator, ethylene gas builds up. As a result the ripening process is accelerated too quickly.   This is a major reason we all throw out so much spoiled produce!

How it Works

The Bluapple is based on technology that has been used in ships, warehouses and trucks for many years to absorb and neutralize ethylene gas buildup.  The Bluapple does not release any gas or chemical, but only absorbs, constantly removing this harmful gas from your produce storage area.  The Bluapple is not a "magic" pill, but a scientific and essential part of keeping produce fresh.   When produce was cheap, no one cared, but as prices have risen, it became apparent that a very beneficial product for the home could make a huge difference. 

There are three key elements to long produce life: a) temperature - keeping produce cold; b) humidity - using vented plastic bags to keep a moist, but not wet environment; c) ethylene gas management - using the Bluapple.  Disruption of any one of these elements will cause premature spoilage.

The Bluapple is a proven, science-based technology that we have adapted for use in the home.  With a single gourmet apple costing $1.25 these days, our produce is an investment worth protecting.  It is our view that the Bluapple is essentially FREE.  Users easily recover the purchase price in savings within a few weeks, and the Bluapple continues to deliver value for many months thereafter.

How would you like to have one of your very own?  Well you have your chance!  Not just one of my lucky readers have a chance of winning one but THREE!!  That's right 3 winners will be chosen to win a set of these wonderul Blu Apples!!


I received one or more products mentioned above for review purpose. No other form of compensation was received. My opinions are my own. Your opinion may vary from mine. If a giveaway is being held, please read my rules of sweepstakes in the tab above. I cannot be held responsible for prizes or shipping. Sweepstakes and Giveaways on this blog are not affiliated with Facebook or any other social media network. Thank You and Enjoy!

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